February 25, 2011 Leonardo DiCaprio to star Kun Ting new film of the Concordia by Liberation of Al Gore
Tencent entertainment Leonardo · Leonardo DiCaprio (Leonardo DiCaprio) finally had to play bad guys. Leonardo seems like a tragic figure in recent years, often go through fire and water in a hail of bullets, miracle survived and killed in the last half hour of the movie, tragedy to tragedy, but mostly frustration hero. But this time he was ready to try the villain.
entertainment media Deadline reported that Leonardo DiCaprio is currently negotiating a major Director Cundin · Quentin Tarantino (Quentin Tarantino) movie of the Concordia by Liberation of Al Gore in the lower (Django Unchained) pianyue, if the negotiated, slaves who he will play ruthless Calvin · candy (Calvin Candie).
Quentin Tarantino last year claimed that the lower the movie describes the United States Southern story, one of the slaves to be free to return to brothel of candy in Mississippi, to implement their own plan of double revenge and rescue his wife. It is learnt that the sign performance contracts Samuel · Jackson (Samuel m. Jackson) and Christopher · Voltz (Christoph Waltz) will respectively play candy of male workers, and a bounty hunter who was a dentist.
Tencent film repository revision upgrades wrote film critic won 2000Q dollars>>