February 25, 2011 Kun Ting · Quentin Tarantino intend to lower part of the Lady Gaga star movies
Lady GAGA · butyl and Kun; Quentin Tarantino
from MV to concerts to standing on 12-inch with boots-free step out of the airport, "hundred Queen" Lady Gaga every public appearance that is full of dramatic performances of color. Maybe Kun Ting · Quentin Tarantino (QuentinTarantino) picked this raise eyebrows performing talent, only intends to invite the female singers to play his next film ...
now, Quentin Tarantino and Lady Gaga in France in Cannes to attend film festivals. Just last night, Lady Gaga in front of the crowds show to voice. While watching her performances apart from Quentin Tarantino, and Brad · Pitt (Brad Pitt), Angelina · Jolie (Angelina Jolie), Johnny · Dep (Johnny Depp), Umma · Thurman (Uma Thurman), Kanye · West (Kanye West), and so on Hollywood's biggest names.
one informed source revealed to the media around Quentin Tarantino, "Quentin Tarantino has been looking for a Lady Gaga, wanted to leave her own in the lower part of the movie star role, it has no secret. And now they are at Cannes, it is a good opportunity to discuss the matter. ”