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God of Thunder

playing the "God of Thunder" Chris · Hai ' world

"mine God" Chris · sea ' Republika world Republika (Chris Hemsworth) currently is global company of snow Princess and Hunter under (Snow White and the Huntsman) in the Hunter of number one candidates, the tablets by advertising director Prince Rupert · Sanders (Rupert Sanders) directed, Kerry sting · Stewart (Kristen Stewart) will played "Snow Princess", Sally hereby · sailong (Charlize Theron) will played evil Queen.

in Chris · sea before James ' world, Tom · Hardy (Tom Hardy), Viggo · Viggo Mortenson (Viggo Mortensen), Hugh · Jackman (Hugh Jackman), Joel · aizhedun (Joel Edgerton) has been considered his speech "the Hunter".

the snow white and the Hunter, to be released on December 21, 2012 is an update to the "snow white" re-interpretation of the story, film about the Queen's Huntsman Erik (Eric) to track fleeing snow, when Hunter learned that after the Queen to kill snow white, decided to help the latter, and escape with her and teach her how to fight and survive. Hunter Erik himself is a tragic hero, his wife was killed by a White Wolf, since then he has been unable to extricate themselves from the suffering.

other the snow

there are currently 2 in preparation for the Ministry of "snow white" live film, outside of the snow white and the Hunter, in addition to the above, there is a Relativity Media is the company of the Brothers Grimm snow (The Brothers Grimm:Snow White).

the latter by taximu · effect (Tarsem Singh) directed about Snow White's stepmother kills the King, scourge of the whole Kingdom, snow white in the seven dwarves regain the throne with the help of story. The plan on June 29, 2012 release, Julia · Roberts (Julia Roberts) to play the evil Queen, Phil · Collins (Phil Collins) 's daughter Lily · Collins (Lily Collins) will be playing the "snow", Ami · t. Hammoud will play Andrew · aerkaote Prince (Prince Andrew Alcott).

author: Nemo sources: moviesoon

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